"Programs Created for Women, Designed by a Woman."
I also felt stuck in a healthcare system that was designed to treat acute illnesses, mostly in men. My doctors had no idea why I was plagued with chronic illness that led to fatigue, overwhelm and frustration, despite my healthy lifestyle and favorable health metrics. I appeared to be very healthy, yet I was chronically ill. So they prescribed allergy testing and treatments, numerous antibiotics and steroids but my symptoms continued to worsen year after year. I was finally diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition.
At forty years old, I experienced a near death episode. Chronic illness continued with mold toxicity, candida and more sinus disease. Cancer knocked at my door months after my 60th birthday and then again four and a half years later.
Then I found Functional Medicine and my mysterious illnesses began to make sense. I had gut issues, candida, and other root causes that were making my body ill! Once I began to address these issues with lifestyle, including intermittent fasting, nourishing foods and less intense exercise, my body began to respond.
I'm sharing my story to create a connection with the women who have pushed through chronic illness, autoimmune conditions and cancer. Some of whom may still be ignoring their body's messages and continue to push through while hushing their inner voice that is now screaming! ..."Slow Down Please!"
My intention is to inspire, educate and empower you, to let you know that you are not alone and that you are more than your past. The truth is, that In this moment your miraculous body has what it needs to soar to new heights.
Take time to discover what your body truly needs to heal fully. Are you listening to its messages? Or are you living a Rushing Woman's lifestyle to make all the healthy choices but your body is still struggling? Begin by creating new habits that support your health. Slow the pace, focus on your body and your mind so you can live a healthful life full of ease and flow.